Courses for Exchange Students
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅰ(intermediate)/日本語Ⅰ(intermediate) | ||
Semester/期 | Fall/後期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Grammar, Intermediate Understanding of basic sentence patterns and grammatical items at the beginner and intermediate levels Cultivation of accurate speech skills as a basis for smooth communication 文法・中級 初・中級段階の基本的な文型・文法項目の理解 円滑なコミュニケーション能力の基礎となる正確な発話能力の養成 |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅰ(pre-advanced)/日本語Ⅰ(pre-advanced) | ||
Semester/期 | Fall/後期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Grammar, upper-intermediate level Cultivate an understanding of basic sentence patterns and grammatical items and the ability to apply them Cultivate accurate speech skills as a basis for smooth communication Cultivation of understanding and ability to use expressions of hospitality 文法・中上級 基本的な文型・文法項目の理解とその運用能力の養成 円滑なコミュニケーション能力の基礎となる正確な発話能力の養成 待遇表現の理解とその運用能力の養成 |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅱ(intermediate)/日本語Ⅱ(intermediate) | ||
Semester/期 | Fall/後期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Vocabulary, Expressions, Intermediate To acquire the ability to write correctly using hiragana, katakana, and basic kanji Acquire the ability to write accurately and clearly using basic sentence patterns and vocabulary Become familiar with writing style and sentence structure through a variety of topics ranging from familiar topics to opinion and summary sentences 語彙・表現・中級 ひらがな、カタカナ、基本的な漢字を使って正しく表記できるようにする 基本的な文型・語彙を使って、正確に分りやすく書く能力を身につける 身近なトピックから意見文・要約文まで様々なトピックを扱い、文体や文章構成に慣れる |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅱ(pre-advanced)/日本語Ⅱ(pre-advanced) | ||
Semester/期 | Fall/後期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Vocabulary, Expressions, Upper Intermediate Deepen understanding of the meaning and usage of written expressions and vocabulary and acquire the ability to use them Deepen understanding of homonyms, synonyms, etc., and improve vocabulary skills Become familiar with various genres of writing and acquire the ability to compose sentences 語彙・表現・中上級 書き言葉的な表現・語彙の意味と用法についての理解を深めその運用能力を身につける 同音異義語は類義語などについての理解を深め、語彙能力を高める 様々なジャンルの文章に慣れ、その文章構成力を身につける |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅲ(intermediate)/日本語Ⅲ(intermediate) | ||
Semester/期 | Fall/後期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Reading Comprehension, Intermediate Read passages and understand the content while learning intermediate level vocabulary and grammar. Then, answer questions about the content and express their own opinions 読解・中級 中級レベルの語彙や文法を学びながら文章を読み進め、内容を理解する その上で、内容に関する質問に答えたり、自分の意見を述べたりする |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅰ(pre-advanced)/日本語Ⅲ(pre-advanced) | ||
Semester/期 | Fall/後期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Reading Comprehension, Upper Intermediate Students read passages and comprehend the content while learning vocabulary and grammar at the upper-intermediate level. Then, answer questions about the content, summarize the text, and express their own opinions. 読解・中上級 中上級レベルの語彙や文法を学びながら文章を読み進め、内容を理解する その上で、内容に関する質問に答えたり、文章を要約したり、自分の意見を述べたりする |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅳ(intermediate)/日本語Ⅳ(intermediate) | ||
Semester/期 | Fall/後期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Listening Comprehension Review basic grammar and learn vocabulary related to various situations Listening comprehension tasks for various situations Vocabulary quizzes will be given at each class to help students consolidate vocabulary 聴解 基本的な文法の復習、さまざまな場面に関する語彙を学習する さまざまな場面の聞き取りタスクを行う 毎回語彙小テストを行い定着を助ける |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅳ(pre-advanced)/日本語Ⅳ(pre-advanced) | ||
Semester/期 | Fall/後期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Listening Comprehension Various materials ranging from daily conversation to independent talks such as news and lectures Listening with attention to important sentence patterns, expressions, sound changes, and tones, as well as tasks to help students understand the main points. Vocabulary quizzes will be given at each lesson. 聴解 日常会話からニュースや講演会などの独話までさまざまな素材を取り上げる 重要な文型や表現、音変化、音調に気をつけながら聞き、さらに要点理解を助けるタスクをする 毎回語彙小テストを行う |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅴ(intermediate)/日本語Ⅴ(intermediate) | ||
Semester/期 | Fall/後期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Conversation, Intermediate This course focuses on conversation practice in daily life situations and situations that students who have just arrived in Japan may encounter. Aiming to improve the ability to use basic grammar and sentence patterns while confirming understanding of those items. 会話・中級 来日間もない学生が遭遇する日常生活場面や状況での会話練習を中心に行う。 基本的な文法・文型項目の理解を確認しながらその運用能力を目指す |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅴ(pre-advanced)/日本語Ⅴ(pre-advanced) | ||
Semester/期 | Fall/後期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Conversation, upper-intermediate level Students will learn basic expressions necessary for daily life while organizing the grammar they have already learned, and will focus on conversation practice in situations and situations that students who have just arrived in Japan may encounter. In addition, students will acquire the ability to express themselves appropriately in consideration of human relationships and to express rich emotions. 会話・中上級 既習の文法事項を整理しながら日常生活に必要な基本表現を学習し、来日間もない学生が遭遇する場面や状況での会話練習を中心に行う。 さらに人間関係を考慮した適切な表現能力豊かな感情表現力などを身につける |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅵ(pre-advanced)/日本語Ⅵ(pre-advanced) | ||
Semester/期 | Spring/前期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Grammar, upper-intermediate level Cultivate an understanding of basic sentence patterns and grammatical items and the ability to apply them Cultivate accurate speech skills as a basis for smooth communication Cultivation of understanding and ability to use expressions of hospitality 文法・中上級 基本的な文型・文法項目の理解とその運用能力の養成 円滑なコミュニケーション能力の基礎となる正確な発話能力の養成 待遇表現の理解とその運用能力の養成 |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅶ(pre-advanced)/日本語Ⅶ(pre-advanced) | ||
Semester/期 | Spring/前期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Vocabulary, Expressions, Upper Intermediate Deepen understanding of the meaning and usage of written expressions and vocabulary and acquire the ability to use them Deepen understanding of homonyms, synonyms, etc., and improve vocabulary skills Become familiar with various genres of writing and acquire the ability to compose sentences 語彙・表現・中上級 書き言葉的な表現・語彙の意味と用法についての理解を深めその運用能力を身につける 同音異義語は類義語などについての理解を深め、語彙能力を高める 様々なジャンルの文章に慣れ、その文章構成力を身につける |
Course/科目名 | 日本語Ⅷ(pre-advanced)/Japanese Ⅷ(pre-advanced) | ||
Semester/期 | 前期/Spring | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Reading Comprehension, Upper Intermediate Students read passages and comprehend the content while learning vocabulary and grammar at the upper-intermediate level. Then, answer questions about the content, summarize the text, and express their own opinions. 読解・中上級 中上級レベルの語彙や文法を学びながら文章を読み進め、内容を理解する その上で、内容に関する質問に答えたり、文章を要約したり、自分の意見を述べたりする |
Course/科目名 | Japanese Ⅸ(pre-advanced)/日本語Ⅸ(pre-advanced) | ||
Semester/期 | Spring/前期 | Credits/単位 | 1 |
Contents/内容 | Listening Comprehension Various materials ranging from daily conversation to independent talks such as news and lectures Listening with attention to important sentence patterns, expressions, sound changes, and tones, as well as tasks to help students understand the main points. Vocabulary quizzes will be given at each lesson. 聴解 日常会話からニュースや講演会などの独話までさまざまな素材を取り上げる 重要な文型や表現、音変化、音調に気をつけながら聞き、さらに要点理解を助けるタスクをする 毎回語彙小テストを行う |
Optional Courses/その他の科目
Exchange students may take undergraduate courses in consultation with the coordinator according to their language ability and interests. (Courses taken in 2023:"Calligraphy and Calligraphy" "Sound Design" "Geography" "TOEIC 600" "Nonverbal Communication" and "Daily Motion Methods".)
交換留学生は、語学力や興味に応じて、コーディネーターと相談のうえ、学部の科目を履修することができます。(2023年度の履修科目:「書写・書道」「サウンドデザイン」「地理」「TOEIC 600」「非言語コミュニケーション」「日常動作法」)