特に注目を集めたのは、Isobar Pressの10周年イベントでした。東京を拠点にしているこの出版社は、2013年以降、英文詩と翻訳された日本の詩を出版しています。
On October 14th and 15th, 2023, the Japan Writers’ Conference was held at Sugiyama Jogakuen University, hosted by Iain Maloney. The two-day event was attended by more than 100 people from across Japan and internationally. Speakers such as Stephen Dodd, John Rucynski and Karen Hill Anton spoke on subjects as diverse as translating Yukio Mishima, publishing textbooks, and the art of creating characters.
One particular highlight was the 10th anniversary celebration of Isobar Press. The Tokyo-based publisher has been publishing English-language poetry and Japanese poetry in translation since 2013 and Sugiyama Jogakuen University saw the gathering of poets including Masaya Saito, Yoko Danno and Eric Selland.